Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Reading up on GT Students

Many educators are frantically scouring the isles of Target, Walmart, or even shop on Amazon for the best school supplies to stock up their classrooms. While many educators spent their summer shopping for school supplies, beefing pedagogies, or just beefing up, I've had the privilege to have taught summer academy to our students to prevent summer slide. However you spend your summer, the start of the school year can't get here soon enough.

I've spent countless hours reading up on GT materials from understanding students' social and emotional needs, over-excitability, and fostering learning in underachieving students. Throughout the readings, I have come across the idea of students whose cognitive abilities are asynchronous with their social abilities. Often times in our classrooms, precocious students are expected to act their cognitive strengths while their behavior trumps their abilities. When educators head back into the classroom, please be cognizant to our GT learners who are brilliant in their own ways who don't act their age. Even though they are "smart enough" to hold a deep conversation with an adult, remember that our GT students are still kids. 

With that in mind, we as educators need to listen, read their body language because some of them may feel frustrated. Educators may think the student is misbehaving, yet they are curious or passionate about the topic. This leads to my next point over-excitability. This fall, the presidential election will take place. What ever political background you hold, please be mindful to our GT learners. A trait GT students possess is a heightened awareness with the problems locally/globally. We have two major political parties and depending on the issues, GT students will either express their thoughts and feelings outward or keep it in. We must find strategies to help our GT students deal with their emotions. We can't stifle their interests, but we need to teach students to respectfully disagree with one another.

For more information, please visit the following sites:

Reading up on GT Students

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