Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Making Sense of Math

I recently read and was part of an ASCD Webinar for the book Making Sense of Math by Cathy Seeley.

 The main emphasis of the book was how to help ALL students become mathematical thinkers and problem solvers.

Some of my biggest take aways were:
1) Teachers need to foster curiosity in their classroom.  If we do, then students will be intrinsically motivated and their learning will improve. If students aren't curious about the information you are teaching, they are not going to remember it.  Made me start thinking how I can make my lessons more student driven in the "How" of math and build off what they come up with.

2) Teachers need to slow down and give their students time and space to think, wonder, create and grow.  Often times, we teachers jump in too soon and don't let our students struggle enough with the topic/concept. (I know I do!)  We do this in an effort to help them, but really may be taking away that "ah ha" moment from them.

3)  Math is Supposed to make Sense!  Sounds resonable and is most math teachers goal.  However, when we give them tips and tricks to remember information, it doesn't always make sense to them and therefore is confusing.If it doesn't make sense, they won't remember it after they leave the classroom.  If it doesn't make sense, students should question it and we should give them time to make sense of it.  My struggle with this that darn curriculum guide that is always in the back of my mind. :(

I also loved this slide that Cathy shared in the Webinar:

In this class, mistakes are

Mistakes are a critcal part of learning and making sense of what we are teaching/doing in mathematics.  I am going to make this into a sign I hang in my class and hang it in the front of the classroom.

So, my goal this year is to give my students time to struggle, so that they can make sense of the math we are learning, not just memorize what they should do to solve math problems,

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