Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Power of Reflection - Katie Lenz

Dear Staff,

Here is a courageous, personal reflection from a colleague at Friedell. Katie Lenz has shared some of the difficult choices she has made to stretch herself as a professional and her students as learners. This is a glimpse into an educator's mindset and continuous journey. Her story may resonate with you as it did with us.

With love,
Your Instructional Team
Jacque, Erin, & Laura

Name: Katie Lenz

Years in teaching, subject, grade levels, and schools: I was a substitute teacher for 2 years and have officially been teaching Physical Education for the past 10 years. I have taught under contract at John Adams, Willow Creek, Mayo and Friedell. I had a long surgical leave placement at Sunset Terrace and taught summer school at Kellogg.

Why did you choose to be an educator? My former physical education teachers were wonderful mentors and played a strong role in me wanting to work with youth. They showed me the positives of building relationships with students and the influence and impact that can have on someone. I wanted to have the same impact on youth and declared a Youth Ministry Major as a freshman in college. My passion for athletics and being physically fit outweighed my passion for working in a church and I quickly changed to a Physical Education Major with a minor in Theological and Biblical Studies – this switched to Health Education at the last minute J

How are you a different educator now than you were (pick one: last year, several years ago, when you first started teaching)?  I am a more humble teacher now than I was several years ago and even a year ago. Educators can’t be stagnant with their teaching styles, what they teach and how they teach. Unfortunately, I was stagnant for a period of time because I was confident with what I was doing was “good enough.” Students being active in class is a high priority, but mostly, I want students to learn the value of being active, staying physically fit, and becoming a lifelong fitness learner.  I am willing to try new things, put in the effort needed to make new ideas successful and learn from failure in order for students be fruitful learners.

Describe a mindset that you had about teaching and learning that has changed. Why did it change?  Change is hard for me and my attitude used to be that if it isn’t broken, why fix it? This isn’t always a good attitude to have as an educator because we need to be willing to change, adapt, modify and improve in order to best meet the needs of our students. The minute we think we have perfected something is the minute we stop learning and we are doing a disservice to students. I want to be a teacher that changes with the times, understands why there is a need for change and be willing to take the necessary steps to change. Laura Willis, and the rest of the staff at Friedell, has greatly influenced the change in my mindset. I am surrounded by excellent educators who I admire and learn from. Excellence at Friedell isn’t a demand, but it is my personal expectation that I strive for.

What new ideas have you tried in your classroom during these past few years that have energized you and your teaching?
2016-2017school year has been a year of change in my teaching and grading. Students are graded on their proficiency levels of the Physical Education National Standards. This is a complete understanding shift for students, guardians, and me and has been a struggle at the start. Typically, PE grades are/were based off of behaviors (on time, dress, attitude, effort, language, etc) and now I am basing grades off of knowledge. Students are not graded on how well they do something, but rather their understanding of technique, rules, and gaining an understanding of why something is done. Ex. Students are not graded on how many times they can throw a softball and hit a target but if they can perform and have correct form and why that form is important.

Someone that challenges me is.....my instructional coach. Laura possesses the qualities of a great coach by knowing how hard to push a person and when to take a step back before pushing again. Her passion for teaching educators is contagious and makes me want to strive to be a better teacher.

In what ways do you feel you want to improve professionally? I have improved professionally by being willing to change and try new things. Formative assessments have played a major role this year and I feel have benefited both the students and myself.

What quote, person, or book, etc. inspires you? Why? “Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.”  Change is hard for me and my attitude used to be that if it isn’t broken, why fix it? This isn’t always a good attitude to have as an educator because we need to be willing to change, adapt, modify and improve in order to best meet the needs of our students. The minute we think we have perfected something is the minute we stop learning and we are doing a disservice to students.

Finish this sentence: My students....make me want to put my head in a door and slam it one minute and make my glass overflow the next – joys of middle schoolers J

What is the best thing about working at Friedell? The best thing about working at Friedell is the staff.  My career has allowed me to work in a handful of different buildings with great educators, however, the staff at Friedell is special. Friedell’s staff has a “team” mindset and works so well together for the greater good of the students – that is the key…the students. What is done at Friedell is truly for the best intensions of the students and can only be carried out by the staff.  Many of my closest friends are at Friedell and I would be lost personally and professionally without them.  

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