Friday, June 17, 2016

Helping Kids During Crisis

Following the tragedy in Orlando, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) posted crisis resources on their website in hopes of helping adults to better address the needs of students following a crisis.  The link below will bring you to the ASCA website where you will find webinars (free to watch I believe), links to support sites, and a helpful walk-through titled The Orlando Shootings: Parents' Guide to Talking to Children.  Even if we don’t have connections with Orlando, we are all left with questions and emotions that are hard to explain and our students are no different.

While some of the information on the ASCA website directly focuses on how to respond after the Orlando tragedy, the resources can apply beyond Orlando to crises that our community here in Rochester experiences.  I think back to the two situations we had at Willow Creek this past year and how that not only impacted the students at that school but some of our students here at Friedell.  Death, tragedy, and change are hard concepts for adolescent students to comprehend and cope with, even if the situation is removed from their personal life. At the same time, it can be hard for us as adults to know how to address student feelings that come with such unfortunate events.  The information listed here can help ease some of that difficulty and gives us some guidance on how to explain what seem like unexplainable acts and events.

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